Both detergent and rubbing alcohol are powerful allies in disinfection against viruses.
Let’s look at how viruses are put together, so we can understand how we can blow them apart. (I love that image).
In the case of coronaviruses, they are simply a set of genetic instructions that say “COPY ME… A LOT…LIKE ZILLIONS OF TIMES” made up of nucleic acids (NA) packed around a few protein packing-peanuts. This package is then surrounded by a tiny fat (lipid) globule with a few more protein spikes sticking out. These spikes (aptly called “S” proteins) look for and hook onto specific target cells in our upper respiratory tract. Once they’ve hooked on, the lipid layer of the virus gets closer to the lipid layer of our throat cell, they merge, viral genetic instructions enter the cell, take over and hijack the cell’s copying machinery to make zillions of viral particles. They then break open the cell, and start infecting neighboring cells in the same manner.
OK, firstly washing one’s hands with soap and water and scrubbing and all that: how does soap work to dismantle the fat-wrapped coronavirus?
Do this experiment (if you have kids, they will love this, and it will drive this point home hard). Put a bowl of warm water on your counter and add a small pool of vegetable oil (do not use your expensive olive oil for this!) to the top so you have a thin layer of oil floating on the top of the water. This mimics the viral fat outer coating layer. Now add 1 drop of dish detergent to the center of the oil and watch what happens. The soap blows the lipid away! The chemical makeup (geek alert: soap has both hydrophilic/water-loving and hydrophobic/water-hating ends) of soap disrupts the fat layer around the virus and blows it apart. BOOM. This is why washing with soap and water works so well.
Secondly, what are the effects of 70%+ ethanol or isopropyl alcohol/rubbing alcohol? High percentage alcohols are a general disinfectant that cause protein clumping or “denaturation” - similar to an egg white being cooked by heat. Imagine the “S” proteins on the outside of the virus getting all withered and stuck together and melted and so unable to hook onto their targets. I like to imagine a blow torch melting little plastic velcro hooks into an ineffective smoking clump. This resultant protein clumping will also disrupt the viral membrane in which they are embedded. Again, BOOM, virus is successfully deactivated.
**Be aware - one issue with having lots of rubbing alcohol around is that it is flammable, so be careful where you store it.
Both soap and water, and 70-80% alcohol are great disinfectants to have around your home, are cheap and easy, and they don’t stink like bleach. USE THEM. (Do feel free to use bleach too, see a previous post - check the expiry date and dilute it 1:5 - I just hate the smell - ick.)
A coronavirus hack: I carry a ziplock bag with an old ankle sock in it an easily accessible pocket. Every time I leave the house, I saturate the sock with 80% alcohol. I use the sock to touch any doorknob, shopping cart or possibly contaminated surface. In this way, I always have a disinfectant wipe ready for use for a surface, or my hands.