Inner and outer strength

You’ve all heard the instructions from the flight attendant: “Put your own oxygen mask on before helping others.” This is not selfish, this is simply realistic. If you take care of your health and strength now, you’ll have an easier time meeting immediate and future challenges.

February Doldrums are a thing in the fitness industry. There is an observable decrease in adherence after sparkly New Year Resolution Energy has died down. Committing new health goals into our schedules can be more difficult/painful/boring than originally thought. So instead of dropping out, reassess your priorities realistically. Putt yourself+health first and solidify enjoyable activity into your lifestyle. Now more than ever we need inner and outer strength, resilience, community and a good laugh to face the stress of the current world situation.

There is strong evidence linking active lifestyles and healthy community connections to brain health, successful stress management, resilience against age-related diseases and community challenges.


Perhaps the inital New Years resolution plan was overambitious; time to pivot and try a different approach. Determine accurate movement and activity levels that fit your current situation, and grow from there. Commit to one thing instead of three. Don’t overextend yourself. Take the time to activate your muscles building your strength for the inside. This is how we recharge and strengthen mind and body, allowing us to hold firm during times of adversity and into the future.

Most of all, choose things that are FUN, challenging, and connects you with people.


We are more successful in supportive situations. For example; a friendly community fitness class where people know your name, cheer you on and hold you accountable for your success. There are many community classes available - find the one best suited to your schedule and needs, and commit to it. Learn your fitness-neighbor’s name and encourage them as they sweat and puff next to you. That could make all the difference in their ability to complete a workout set, or even show up to the next class. You’ll never know if you’re the one that made the difference in someone’s life, so choose to act as if you are. Community provides the container where we all improve together.

Exercise at all ages and stages support mental and emotional resilience, so don’t let the February Doldrums interfere with your health plans. Refresh your commitment to an appropriate strengthening program, boosting your resilience, immunity, and healthspan. Put that mask on, breathe deeply, flex your muscles! And then, help someone else feel the same way.