Smooth yet Spicy Pumpkin Pudding (or pie filling)

I love pumpkin pie, but I can’t make crust to save my life. I’ve tried. I give up.

But I won’t give up pumpkin pie, so I simply make the filling as a pudding, which according to me, is the best part anyway. Goes great with ice cream, or yogurt, or kefir, or simply by the luxurious spicy spoonful.

Pre-heat oven to 350F


1 can of pumpkin purée (or 2 C of baked and puréed winter squash; I love delicata, butternut or another rich deep-orange-fleshed variety)

1/4 C of maple syrup or honey (you could add more, I suppose…)

1 t ground cinnamon

1/2 t salt

1/2 t ground ginger (or go for more! I prefer 2 t of fresh zingy grated ginger root)

1/4 t ground cloves

1 t turmeric

1/8 t finely ground black pepper

1/8 t (or less - watch out, it’s strong) finely ground cardamom seeds. Do remove them from their pods (Optional spice, but a tiny hint adds such a fragrant exotic note.)

2 eggs (or 2 chia-eggs or 2 flax-eggs if you’re going vegan or just don’t have a dang egg around)

1 12 oz can of evaporated milk or coconut milk -> full fat, mixed up well

  • Mix it all up together until smooth, and pour into a pyrex dish to about 1 inch deep. Put in oven. Check at 30 minutes by inserting a knife or skewer, and maybe turn the pan around. keep checking at 5-10 minute intervals - It’s done when the inserted knife/skewer comes out ungooey.

  • Serve with your choice of toppings - whipped cream, ice cream, kefir, toasted pumpkin seeds or pecans, or simply all of the above.

  • And then go for a post-Feast walk.

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